Stories Worth Sharing Part 1

Community Building through Teaching.

Today, we will be shining the spotlight on this amazing educator Mrs Blessing Titiloye, who continued being an inspiration to her students despite the pandemic. Enjoy!

“As the saying goes, “If you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem”. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of those times when all hands must be on deck to ensure that the building of tomorrow’s leaders does not stop. And I perceive it keenly, each day, in my role as a secondary school teacher at Omole Senior Grammar School, Lagos, Nigeria to contribute my quota. I will like to share my experience and how I have been supporting my students and community during this period.

Over the past two months, I have created a learning blog where my students can access my lesson notes, instructional materials, videos and assignments. WhatsApp groups and e-mail are two mediums where my students submit their assignments. Also, quizzes are used as assessment techniques which provide real-time feedback to my students. Collaborations and discussions on various topics are done via the WhatsApp groups devoted to the e-learning class.

Yet as dark and uncertain as this moment feels, I see light and hope in my students as they are enthusiastic about this new development hence, learning has improved greatly. Furthermore, the learning blog has a massive reach as both learners and teachers outside my school and country are benefitting. The blog analytics captured 284 views on average with a total of 2,280 views as of June 5, 2020. Click here to view the blog.

I was a guest speaker on Lagos State Television channel (see Youtube video here) for Children’s Day 2020 Celebration where I spoke at length on the need for parents to support their children on digital learning. Issues on sexual purity and academic excellence among teenagers/young adults were also discussed.

Recently, as a means of giving back to the community, I organized neighbourhood palliative care through my NGO- Blessing Liberty Foundation International where 78 households were reached with food items and hand gloves (Click here to see). The idea was to touch the lives of teenagers/young adults in those 78 households.

I connected with various online youth platforms where I have been engaging and helping several youths to overcome depression, wrong peer-influence and bad habits. Offering free mentorship to both males and females and sending copies of my e-books- “Sexual Purity in Our Times” and “Feeds to the Top” to them. I believe we can, and should, help our young adults recognize their own courage at this moment, and how much this crisis can help bring out individual potentials.”

We are excited and hopeful that with selfless contributions and impacts from our educators, even at this time, the future of children is safe. Please lookout for more inspiring stories worth sharing in your inbox.

Have you made impacts in your local community and school this period? We want to read from you and share your story too. Kindly send via email to